Tag Archives: writing

Writing for money online

I dont know what it is about the word writing …but every time i type it, it comes out wriiting.
Just thought I would share.

So this site never gets updated anymore, after building it and getting into monetization methods I learned I wasnt allowed to use affiliate links on wordpress.com sites. They very nicely allowed me to keep the site if I removed the links, so I did and I am grateful, but Im not sure what reason i have to keep it alive now that I manage another 20 something sites.

So back to the point, I write for money online and figured I would liven up this decaying site by adding some fresh content.

If your into making money writing online here are a couple of resources I developed.


A summary of places that provide free online courses for writers, including the esteemed Massachusetts institute of technology (wtf..I cant type writer but I pull of Massachusetts just fine!) the article divides the resources by variety and also includes some paid courses for online content writing.

Top Ten Places To Write For Money Online

Just a quick summary and explanation of ten different and proven online wriitng resources

Writing for adsense – why dont I make money with adsense

I think the title tells enough